
This guide will walk you through the usage of the Python hipack module.

Basic Usage

The main use cases of the hipack module are to read and write messages in HiPack format, and convert between the text-based representation used in HiPack and the corresponding Python types.

The module defines functions to read (and write) HiPack-formatted messages from strings and files:

Loading (deserialization)

Let’s start parsing some data from a string which contains a HiPack message:

>>> text = """\
... title: "Quickstart"
... is-documentation? True
... """
>>> import hipack
>>> value = hipack.loads(text)

HiPack messages are converted to dicionaries when parsing them, so now value contains a Python dictionary, and their values properly converted:

>>> isinstance(value, dict)
>>> value[u"title"], value[u"is-documentation?"]
(u'Quickstart", True)

Dumping (serialization)

The inverse operation, converting a Python dictionary to a HiPack message, works in the expected way:

>>> print(hipack.dumps(value))
is-documentation?: True
title: "Quickstart"'

Note how the output is nicely formatted. While that is desirable for human consumption, some applications may want to make messages as small as possible, and the module supports this by providing a setting to disable indentation and unneeded spacing. Let’s try now passing indent=False:

>>> print(hipack.dumps(value, indent=False))
is-documentation?:False title:"Quickstart"

Framed messages


Using hipack.Parser.parse_message() to parse one message at a time, it is possible to provide multiple messages chained, enclosed into braces, in the same input. For example, consider the following input file, named heroes.hipack:

{ name: "Spiderman", alter-ego: "Peter Parker" }
{ name: "Superman", alter-ego: "Clark Kent" }
{ name: "Batman", alter-ego: "Bruce Wayne" }

The following loop will iterate over the file, parsing and converting the HiPack messages containing information about superheroes, one at a time, and printing only their names (but not who is the person behind the mask):

>>> with open("heroes.hipack", "r") as stream:
...     parser = hipack.Parser(stream)
...     while True:
...         hero = parser.parse_message()
...         if not hero:
...             break
...         print(hero[u"name"])

Alternatively, if the input stream is known to have a fixed size (e.g. it is a plain file and not a socket or a pipe in asynchronous mode), the generator hipack.Parser.messages() can be used instead:

>>> with open("heroes.hipack", "r") as stream:
...     parser = hipack.Parser(stream)
...     names = [hero[u"name"] for hero in parser.messages()]
>>> names
[u'Spiderman', u'Superman', u'Batman']


At the moment, there is no support to write messages and automatically add the frame markers automatically in the module. Nevertheless, it is trivial to write a loop which calls hipack.dump() repeatedly and adds the braces enclosing each message:

>>> philosophers = (
...     {"name": "Karl Marx", "book": "The Capital"},
...     {"name": "Nietzsche", "book": "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"},
...     {"name": "Wittgenstein", "book": "Tractatus"},
... )
>>> with open("philosophers.hipack", "w") as stream:
...    for item in philosophers:
...        stream.write("{\n")
...        hipack.dump(item, stream, indent=1)
...        stream.write("}\n")

Note how we pass indent=1 above to indicate the initial level of indentation, which gets us a nicely formatted philosophers.hipack file with the following contents:

  book: "The Capital"
  name: "Karl Marx"
  book: "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"
  name: "Nietzsche"
  book: "Tractatus"
  name: "Wittgenstein"